Education system
If we look at the educational system of Makhdoom Ashraf Mission, we will be able to know its peculiar characteristics. By the grace of Allah, here Primacy is given to quality rather than quantity. The head, general manager, principal, and all teachers of Makhdoom Ashraf Mission are doing their best to lead the Makhdoom Ashraf Mission to progress. The managing committee and the academic council always keep their eyes on the system to review good and bad aspects and try to remove the bad ones so that the Makhdoom Ashraf Mission may lead towards a perfect educational standard. Only those teachers are appointed who are highly qualified for their concerned departments and jobs so that they may be able to do their duties sincerely in better way. It is compulsory to complete the prescribed course. Instruction on the whole text book of grammar is essential so that the student may pursue their studies in the next class without any difficulty. If a student does not get through the examination, he will have to sit in the same class in the next academic session. If any fails twice in the same class, he is expelled from the Makhdoom Ashraf Mission.